Photo’s and video’s on this website are either standard stock photos or taken by the following team members:
- Chris Hodgdon
- Kelsey Hodgdon
- Mary Eggleston
We use various photos on this website for viewing by our customers. Many of these photos are taken by our team members for use on this site or client projects. Some of the photos on this site are clearly marked as to who to took the photo and some are not. When designing a website for customers, we like to provide a credit page for any custom photos taken by our team members.
When developing websites for our customers, we will either create custom and unique images or will find suitable stock images out there that meet their needs. As we prepare for development of the site, we will discuss photo needs. Client may also provide their own photos to be used on their site if they have them.
Custom created photos may extend the time for site development, while our photographers work to create the perfect shot and process the image for out clients.